Managing Collaboration – Systemic Stairway Methodology


The quicker you learn, the quicker you win. What does winning look like to you? In this online course you will develop practical management skills enabling you to facilitate collaborative team problem solving, high impact strategy development, project execution, and decision-making that people are committed to implement – to help you win in any situation or project.


In this online course you will develop practical management skills enabling you to facilitate collaborative team problem solving, high impact strategy development, project execution, and decision-making that people are committed to implement.

<strong>During our online course you will learn:</strong>

✓ how to use our robust, 7-step collaboration management methodology in practice
✓ a reliable system thinking approach for facilitating collaborative team problem solving
✓ a conversation design to ensure team collaboration for reaching agreement on strategic priorities
✓ a fair and equal method for ensuring full team inclusion and collaboration in the process of team problem-solving and decision-making
✓ 3 frameworks for provoking creative decision making
✓ a structured framework for creating executable decisions
✓ an alternative project management framework for securing commitments necessary for implementation


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